Getting started


From Pip

The recommended way to use Paynter is to download it with pip with the command:

pip3 install paynter

Also, if you already installed Paynter and you want to upgrade it to the latest release you can do so by running the pip upgrade command:

pip3 install –upgrade paynter

From Source

PaYnter can also be used by downloading the source code from the GitHub repository and adding the paynter folder inside your project directory.


After you got Paynter inside your environment, you can use it by simply importing the library inside your main Python script through

#Import the paynter library
from paynter import *

#Instantiate your Paynter object
paynter = Paynter()

#Unleash your creativity here:

Since getting used to the objects inside this library can be a bit tricky for coding novices, I made an Example file that covers the basics principles of Paynter.

NB: To be able to use the brushes created by you also need to download the res folder where all the used brushtips are stored.