The Brush Module

The second most important module of the PaYnter project. This module will manage all the data relative to the brushes you will create and use inside your scripts.

The Brush is a quite complex class in the insides, but luckly the Paynter manages all the drawing. So the final user of the library needs only to instantiate one (or more) brush and pass it to his Paynter.

The Brush Class

class paynter.brush.Brush(tipImage, maskImage, size=50, angle=0, spacing=1, fuzzyDabAngle=0, fuzzyDabSize=0, fuzzyDabHue=0, fuzzyDabSat=0, fuzzyDabVal=0, fuzzyDabMix=0, fuzzyDabScatter=0, usesSourceCaching=False)

The Brush class is the one that defines how your Paynter should draw his lines. To create this class you can use the default constructor.

from paynter import *
pixelBrush = Brush( "pixel.png", "", size = 100, spacing = 1)
Brush.__init__(tipImage, maskImage, size=50, angle=0, spacing=1, fuzzyDabAngle=0, fuzzyDabSize=0, fuzzyDabHue=0, fuzzyDabSat=0, fuzzyDabVal=0, fuzzyDabMix=0, fuzzyDabScatter=0, usesSourceCaching=False)

The creation of a Brush can be as simple as the example above or pretty complex. The complexity is based on what effect you want to obtain from your Brush. There are a lot of parameters that you can define to customize your Brush the way you want to be.

This is an example of a complex brush that emulates a watercolour brush:

watercolor = Brush(["watercolor1.png","watercolor2.png","watercolor3.png","watercolor4.png","watercolor5.png"], # Use more than a single brush tip image to create more randomization
                        "",                             # No texture for this brush
                        size = 440,                     # Quite big brush
                        angle = 0,                      # No angle since we randomize it later each dab
                        spacing = 0.5,                  # Spacing to half the size of the brush
                        fuzzyDabAngle = [0, 360],       # Randomize angle each dab
                        fuzzyDabSize = [1, 2],          # Randomize the size of each dab between original size and double the size
                        fuzzyDabHue = [-0.03, 0.03],    # Randomize slightly the hue of each dab
                        fuzzyDabSat = [-0.2, 0.2],      # Randomize slightly the saturation of each dab
                        fuzzyDabVal = [-0.1, 0.1],      # Randomize slightly the value of each dab
                        fuzzyDabMix = [0.4, 0.5],       # Randomize slightly the mix of each dab
                        fuzzyDabScatter = [0, 100])     # Make each dab go a bit of the trail to create more randomization
  • tipImage – A string with the path of the image that you want to use as a tip. If you want to load multiple brush tips and randomize between them each dab, you can place a list of strings instead.
  • maskImage – A string with the path of the image that you want to use as a texture to apply to your brush.
  • size – An integer with the size in pixel of the brush.
  • angle – An integer with the angle (degrees) of the brush.
  • spacing – A float with the spacing of the brush. Spacing is tells the system how far apart are each brush dab is. The value of this parameter is proportional to the brush size.
  • fuzzyDabAngle – A list of two integers with the range between randomize the brush angle (degrees) of each dab.
  • fuzzyDabSize – A list of two numbers with the range between randomize the brush size (in a proportional way to the current brush size) of each dab.
  • fuzzyDabHue – A list of two float with the range between randomize the hue of each dab.
  • fuzzyDabSat – A list of two float with the range between randomize the saturation of each dab.
  • fuzzyDabVal – A list of two float with the range between randomize the value of each dab.
  • fuzzyDabMix – A list of two float with the range between randomize the mix of each dab.
  • fuzzyDabScatter – A list of two numbers with the range between randomize the deviation from the actual coordinates of each dab.
  • usesSourceCaching – A boolean telling the system if he can cache the brush dab for much faster consecutives dab. Not advised when the brush has fuzzy dab parameters.