The Paynter Module

The core module of the PaYnter project, this class will do most of the work when you use this library.

The Paynter Class

class paynter.paynter.Paynter

This class is the main object of the library and the one that will draw everything you ask. To create this class you can use the default constructor.

from paynter import *
P = Paynter()
Paynter.renderImage(output='', show=True)

Renders the Image and outputs the final PNG file.

  • output – A string with the output file path, can be empty if you don’t want to save the final image.
  • show – A boolean telling the system to display the final image after the rendering is done.
Return type:


Getters and setters


Sets the current Color to use.

Parameters:color – The Color to use.
Return type:Nothing.
Paynter.setColorAlpha(fixed=None, proportional=None)

Change the alpha of the current Color.

  • fixed – Set the absolute 0-1 value of the alpha.
  • proportional – Set the relative value of the alpha (Es: If the current alpha is 0.8, a proportional value of 0.5 will set the final value to 0.4).
Return type:



Retrieve the alpha of the current Color.

Return type:A float 0-1 value of the current Color alpha.

Retrieve the size of the current Brush.

Return type:An integer value of the current Brush size in pixels.

Swaps the current Color with the secondary Color.

Return type:Nothing.
Paynter.setBrush(b, resize=0, proportional=None)

Sets the size of the current Brush.

  • brush – The Brush object to use as a brush.
  • resize – An optional absolute value to resize the brush before using it.
  • proportional – An optional relative float 0-1 value to resize the brush before using it.
Return type:



Sets the mirror mode to use in the next operation.

Parameters:mirror – A string object with one of these values : ‘’, ‘h’, ‘v’, ‘hv’. “h” stands for horizontal mirroring, while “v” stands for vertical mirroring. “hv” sets both at the same time.
Return type:Nothing.

Drawing functions

Paynter.drawPoint(x, y, silent=True)

Draws a point on the current Layer with the current Brush. Coordinates are relative to the original layer size WITHOUT downsampling applied.

  • x1 – Point X coordinate.
  • y1 – Point Y coordinate.
Return type:


Paynter.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, silent=False)

Draws a line on the current Layer with the current Brush. Coordinates are relative to the original layer size WITHOUT downsampling applied.

  • x1 – Starting X coordinate.
  • y1 – Starting Y coordinate.
  • x2 – End X coordinate.
  • y2 – End Y coordinate.
Return type:



Draws a series of lines on the current Layer with the current Brush. No interpolation is applied to these point and drawLine() will be used to connect all the points lineraly. Coordinates are relative to the original layer size WITHOUT downsampling applied.

Parameters:pointList – A list of point like [(0, 0), (100, 100), (100, 200)].
Return type:Nothing.

Draws a closed series of lines on the current Layer with the current Brush. No interpolation is applied to these point and drawLine() will be used to connect all the points lineraly. Coordinates are relative to the original layer size WITHOUT downsampling applied.

Parameters:pointList – A list of point like [(0, 0), (100, 100), (100, 200)].
Return type:Nothing.
Paynter.drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, angle=0)

Draws a rectangle on the current Layer with the current Brush. Coordinates are relative to the original layer size WITHOUT downsampling applied.

  • x1 – The X of the top-left corner of the rectangle.
  • y1 – The Y of the top-left corner of the rectangle.
  • x2 – The X of the bottom-right corner of the rectangle.
  • y2 – The Y of the bottom-right corner of the rectangle.
  • angle – An angle (in degrees) of rotation around the center of the rectangle.
Return type:



Fills the current Layer with the current Color.

Parameters:color – The Color to apply to the layer.
Return type:Nothing.
Paynter.addBorder(width, color=None)

Add a border to the current Layer.

  • width – The width of the border.
  • color – The Color of the border, current Color is the default value.
Return type:


Layer operations


Creates a new Layer to the current Image.

Parameters:effect – A string with the blend mode for that layer that will be used when during the rendering process. The accepted values are: 'soft_light','lighten','screen','dodge','addition','darken','multiply','hard_light','difference','subtract','grain_extract','grain_merge','divide','overlay'.
Return type:Nothing.

Changes the effect of the current active Layer.

Parameters:output – A string with the one of the blend modes listed in newLayer().
Return type:Nothing.

Duplicates the current active Layer.

Return type:Nothing.